Best dental appointment software to decrease no shows

If you have a dental clinic you know for sure how painful it is to calculate financial damage made by no-shows. Unfortunately, anger in this case will not change the situation. In most cases, clients forget that they have a meeting scheduled. In some cases, they know in advance that they are about to change their plans but it’s usually out of their mind to inform their dental clinic that they will not appear in a scheduled meeting. You must understand, you cannot change your client’s priorities or habits. But what you can change is your behavior. Dental appointment software is the best key to lock the doors of no shows. Here’s how it works.


When choosing a scheduling software for your dental clinic make sure it has a reminders function. It can be either SMS reminders or email reminders. One-click in your dental appointment software and your clients will be automatically informed about their scheduled meeting time. And it works. Just reminders function itself might help to decrease no-shows rate nearly to zero. Dental appointment software Plandok has both – SMS and email reminders and you may add any additional reminder method you want.

Online Bookings

After analyzing thousands of meetings experience Plandok analyst notes that when a client registers for a meeting through online dental appointment software he is more likely to come or to notify the clinic about a change of his plans (compared to the registry through a phone call). Also, the more people register for meetings by themselves the more time you will save for other priority tasks. It might sound complex but dental appointment software will generate you a special link and your clients will be able to see your dentist’s work schedules and choose any free spot for their visit.

Client Databse

Dental appointment softwares are online and in most cases, you have a chance to use it to gather all information about your clients – including the no-shows ratio. That’s also a perfect chance to see the blind spots of your efficiency and come up with a perfect solution (either it’s extra reminders or polite talk with your client).

To sum up it’s important to note that most dental appointment software will not only help you to decrease no-shows but will also save the time you spent to schedule meetings. We recommend trying Plandok scheduling software.

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